
Here’s How You Can Join Toys for Tots Charity Efforts This Christmas

It’s not too late to give back this holiday season.

As Christmas draws near, the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is urging Americans across the Nation to help ensure that no child is forgotten. With economic hardship affecting so many families this year, the need for support is greater than ever.

“The holidays should be a time of joy, but for many families, they’re filled with uncertainty and difficult financial decisions,” said LtGen James B. Laster, USMC (Retired), CEO of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.

Take Heidi, a young single mother of three, for example.  One recent Christmas, due to financial strain, she was forced to spend money her mother had given her for her children’s gifts on groceries and childcare instead.  She felt the weight of disappointment.  She didn’t want to let her children down, but she had nothing left to give.

Desperate for a miracle, she prayed for a sign.  Then, one night, there was a knock at her door.  To her astonishment, a group of Toys for Tots volunteers had arrived.  They had heard about her struggle, and brought her a bike, a tricycle, and crafts for her children.

Inspired by the good work of Toys for Tots and the generosity of their supporters, Heidi is now a local Chapter Coordinator for the organization – helping to provide the same hope and joy to others that she also received from Toys for Tots.

“When I see the positive impact made on impoverished families and their children, I’m reminded of my own experience, and I’m often unable to stop the tears,” she said.

The Toys for Tots Program relies on the generosity of individuals, families, organizations, and businesses to fulfill its mission of providing joy to disadvantaged children. Each unwrapped toy collected is more than just a gift; it symbolizes hope and community support for children and families experiencing hardship.

“Every day, we hear from parents who, despite their best efforts, can’t afford to provide gifts for their children,” said LtGen Laster. “It’s heartbreaking, and we can’t afford to let these children be forgotten. With your help, we can make sure every child receives the gift of hope this Christmas.”

In 2023, Toys for Tots distributed over 25 million toys, books, and other gifts to more than 10 million disadvantaged children. Our goal is to break that record this holiday season and ensure that at least 11 million underprivileged children can celebrate the magic of Christmas with hope and happiness.

LtGen Laster expresses gratitude for the support of communities across the country: “We are thankful for all who contribute to this mission and assist us in reaching children before Christmas Day. Every contribution positively impacts a child’s life.”

To learn more about the Marine Toys for Tots Program and its ongoing mission, please visit

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