
West Hollywood Orders Vaccine Mandate

The city of West Hollywood, California is now requiring vaccinations for local businesses.

As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, Covered Businesses must require all patrons age 18 and older to show proof that they are Fully Vaccinated before entering any indoor portion of a facility, subject only to certain exceptions. Individuals who do not provide proof of full vaccination may use outdoor portions of Covered Business facilities. Persons under the age of 18 are not required to show proof of full vaccination.

Covered Businesses include:

  1. Establishments where food or drink is served indoors, including, but not limited to; restaurants, bars, nightclubs, theaters, cannabis consumption lounges, and entertainment venues;
  2. Health/Fitness facilities, including, but not limited to; gyms, recreation facilities, yoga studios, dance studios, and other fitness establishments, where any patrons engage in cardiovascular, aerobic, strength training, or other exercise involving elevated breathing; and
  3. Personal Care Establishments that include businesses that offer personal care services such as but not limited to, esthetician, skin care and cosmetology services, non-medical electrology, body art professional, tattoo parlors, microblading and permanent makeup, piercing shops, massage therapy (non-healthcare), tanning services, nail salons, hair salons and barbershops.

Covered Businesses will be required to post patron notification signage at entrances informing individuals that proof of full vaccination is required to enter. Samples of signage will be made available on the City of West Hollywood’s website at, following ratification of the Order.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for Staff at Covered Business: As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, Covered Businesses (as listed above) must use their best efforts to ascertain the vaccination status of all staff who routinely work onsite and no later than November 1, 2021, must ensure that all staff who routinely work onsite provide proof of full vaccination before entering or working in any indoor portion of the facility. This does not include staff who enter or work in Covered Business facilities on an intermittent or occasional basis or for short periods of time (e.g., individuals who deliver goods or packages). Persons under the age of 18 are not required to show proof of full vaccination.

Covered Businesses will be required to post staff notification signage in areas such as break rooms informing individuals that proof of full vaccination is required with details about how to get vaccinated. Samples of signage will be made available on the City of West Hollywood’s website at, following ratification of the Order.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for City Facilities and City Contractors: As soon as possible, but no later than October 11, 2021, persons 18 and older must show Proof of Full Vaccination before entering any indoor area within a City Facility, subject only to certain exceptions. This requirement also applies to team sports, athletic activities, and privately organized clubs and leagues held outdoors or indoors on the premises of a City Facility. In addition, as soon as possible, but no later than November 1, 2021, City Contractors must show Proof of Full Vaccination before entering any City Facility or engaging in-person with city employees, community members or city businesses, subject only to certain exceptions.

Vaccination Verification Requirements for City Employees and City Officials: All City employees, temporary employees, interns, contract personnel, volunteers, and elected or appointed officials who work at all City facilities shall be subject to a separate vaccination policy that will require vaccination no later than November 1, 2021.

In EEO 2021-7, Fully Vaccinated and Full Vaccination are defined as two weeks after completing the entire recommended series of vaccination (usually one or two doses) with a vaccine authorized to prevent COVID-19 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including by way of an emergency use authorization, or by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The following are acceptable forms of Proof of Full Vaccination:

  • A CDC vaccination card, which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided, and date last dose administered, or similar documentation issued by another foreign governmental jurisdiction;
  • A photo or copy of a vaccination card as a separate document;
  • A photo of a vaccination card stored on a phone or electronic device;
  • Documentation of vaccination from a healthcare provider; and/or
  • A personal digital COVID-19 vaccine record issued by the State of California and available by going to or similar documentation issued by another state, local, or foreign governmental jurisdiction, or by an approved private company.

The City of West Hollywood’s Emergency Executive Order establishing vaccine verification requirements is aimed at safeguarding health and safety. COVID-19 continues to present an imminent threat in the City of West Hollywood, across the region, and throughout the nation. Although vaccines are now widely available, many people in the state and region are still not fully vaccinated. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, unvaccinated people are at a higher risk of infection and a higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce the spread of disease overall, and that vaccines continue to be highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

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