Whats The Verdict On Halloween? Survey Says Trick or Treat!

HalloweenCostumes.com has officially released the results of their 2020 "Halloween in America" survey.

With the economic effects of COVID-19, many are left wondering how the virus will affect the way people celebrate Halloween this year. HalloweenCostumes.com surveyed 1,505 respondents to reveal how the United States will celebrate this upcoming Halloween.

Overall Findings:

  • 30.86% of adults surveyed believe that kids between ages 13-14 should be able to trick-or-treat by themselves. Other responses included ages 7-8 (5.19%), ages 9-10 (8.70%), ages 11-12 (28.70%), and 15+ (26.55%).
  • 36.69% said there is no age limit to trick or treating. Other responses included 11 and older (2.44%), 13 and older (8.62%), 15 and older (24.29%) and 17 and older (27.95%).
  • 40.39% were unsure if there are enough age-appropriate costumes for girls. Other responses included yes (30.75%) and no (28.86%).
  • 34.27% said there are not enough plus-size costume options. Other responses included yes (15.54%) and I'm not sure (50.19%).
  • 1 in 5 pet owners surveyed said they would dress their pet in a costume for Halloween.
  • 34.17% of adults surveyed said they would spend less on Halloween this year compared to last year. Other responses included more (7.86%), the same (33.65%) and I'm not sure (24.31%).
  • 31.65% of adults surveyed were unsure if COVID-19 would affect the way they celebrate Halloween this year. Other responses included yes (39.85%) and no (28.5%).
  • 1 in 3 adults surveyed said they will wear protective facemasks this Halloween. Other responses included yes, but under a Halloween masks (9.19%), no (19.96%) and I am not sure (26.57%).

When asked how they are planning to celebrate Halloween this year:

  • 36.70% adults responded that they will be giving out candy to trick-or-treaters.
  • 19.18% adults are putting out self-serve candy.
  • 12.58% of the respondents responded that they will be going to a trunk or treat event.
  • 12.44% adults are attending/hosting an in-person party.
  • 5.36% said they are attending/hosting an online/remote party.
  • 42.32% of the respondents said they are decorating and celebrating at home.
  • 0.17% of the respondents will spend their Halloween working this year.
  • 14.71% of respondents said they would not celebrate Halloween in 2020: this data does not figure into the results above.

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