
Tips To Keep Your Pets Safe During July 4th

While many people enjoy the 4th of July firework festivities, our furry animal companions prefer a quiet time at home. Fireworks are no fun for some pets! The loud noises can frighten dogs and cats, causing them to escape their homes or yard in an attempt to look for safety. Make Independence Day safe and fun for you and your pets by taking steps to protect them from getting lost. Here are some tips to help keep your four-legged loved ones safe:

  • Stay away from fireworks. Fireworks are illegal in the City of Los Angeles. Even if your pet does not seem obviously upset by fireworks, they can still cause harm to our animal friends. You can prevent potential burns, injuries, or possible ingestion of fireworks, which can be fatal for pets, by keeping out of the vicinity of fireworks and asking friends and neighbors to avoid using them.
  • Keep your pets indoors and create a calm environment. The 4th of July and the days following are the busiest times at LA Animal Services Centers. Many pets escape their homes because they are afraid of the loud sounds from fireworks. The best way to keep your pets safe is to make sure they stay indoors, in an enclosed room or familiar crate with some of their favorite toys, and play soothing and calming music. If you do allow your pet outside, be sure that your gates or fence are secure or that your pet stays on a leash.
  • Make sure your pet has up-to-date identification. If your pet escapes and becomes lost, a collar or harness with a current license and/or ID tag on it and a microchip that is registered with your contact information, will help reunite you with your furry family member right away!

To find out about getting or renewing your dog’s license, visit

If your pet is not microchipped, you can click on this link for more information on how to get your furry family member microchipped. Y

LA Animal Services Centers at (888) 452-7381

  • Start looking for your lost pet right away. We encourage people who have lost their pet dog to post a photo and description of their furry friend on LA City Lost and Found, or, to improve the chances of reuniting with their companion animals. According to an ASPCA survey, about half of missing dogs and a third of missing cats were found by searching their local neighborhoods.

If you cannot provide temporary foster care, DO NOT LEAVE the dog or cat in an unsafe place. Please call 888-452-7381 right away and make arrangements to get them to the closest Animal Services Center.

Adopt or foster and help save more pets. To ensure there is lifesaving space in our Animal Services Centers during this upcoming holiday weekend, please consider adopting or fostering one of our amazing animals. 

Click here for more information on how you can adopt or foster a new furry friend.

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