

Protests Turn Violent: Governor Newsom Calls For National Guard

National Guard on Hollywood Blvd

Governor Gavin Newsom authorized assistance after a request from the city and county of Los Angeles, and proclaimed a state of emergency in Los Angeles County over the weekend. California approved the city and county’s request to deploy members of the National Guard to assist Los Angeles and neighboring communities.

The National Guard have been seen in the streets of Hollywood and Downtown Los Angeles as peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd turned violent with looters and burglaries. 

Newsom said, “Over the last few days, we have seen millions of people lift their voices in anger, rightfully outraged at how systemic racism is allowed to persist. Every single day, people of color are disadvantaged and discriminated against. Black and Latino men in particular face mortal danger all across this country simply because of their race. Every person who has raised their voice should be heard. 

“I want to thank all those who helped protect human life last night and today – from community members who exercised their right to protest peacefully and encouraged others to do the same, to the law enforcement officers who faced what were, at times, challenging conditions.

 “In California and across the country, there are indications that violent actors may be attempting to use these protests for their own agendas. We are closely monitoring organizing by violent extremist organizations ahead of tonight. To those who seek to exploit Californians’ pain to sow chaos and destruction, you are not welcome. Our state and nation must build from this moment united and more resolved than ever to address racism and its root causes.”


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