What You Need To Know: Independent Contractors in California

Apply for this loan, apply for that loan. You don't have to pay back this loan. That disaster relief loan will help your small business… American's heads are spinning with government leaders telling them to apply for various assistance loans during the COVID-19 crisis. The problem is… none of the online application systems work, banks are unable to provide further informtion and, at the end of the day, no one knows what's going on. 

Just when independent contractors thought they could apply for Unemployment Insurance, it turns out… not or a few more weeks. 

Independent contractors in California will be able to start applying for federally funded unemployment benefits in two weeks and receive payments within 24 to 48 hours, state Labor Secretary Julie Su said in a formal letter to California citizens (READ HERE). 

In her statement, Su said: This new system will be able to pay individuals within 24 to 48 hours of their application. We need two weeks to create this new technology — set up the system, test it and be able to turn payments around. To be clear, these payments will not take the 3 weeks from application to payment that UI has taken unless the claims do not include all of the information needed; we are working to make it much faster. Once I know the exact date that this one-stop shop is ready, I will let you know.

Read more at: https://www.labor.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Labor-Secretary-Letter-04.14.20.pdf

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