
NFL Donates $35 Million To COVID-19 Relief Efforts

The National Football League announced today that in collaboration with the National Football League Players Association, clubs, owners and players, more than $35 million has been donated to date, including $3.4M from the NFL Foundation as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts.

The 10 organizations receiving donations are: American Red Cross, Bob Woodruff Foundation, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, CDC Foundation, GENYOUth Foundation, Meals on Wheels America, Salvation Army, Team Rubicon, United Way and Wounded Warrior Project (organization descriptions below). For more information and to donate visit

"We have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, we need to unify to stay home and stay strong," said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "The NFL will continue to find ways to give our support so we can get through this time of uncertainty together." 

In addition to these initial donations, the NFL family has come together to #StayHomeStayStrong to help limit the spread of COVID-19 across the country. As part of this effort, over 50 NFL players, coaches, and Legends have united to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA)​ to share with fans about the strength they are finding in staying at home. The league is also inviting the country to #NFLPLAY60 at home during this time to get their 60 minutes of exercise each day alongside the NFL.

Last week, the NFL launched a series of free digital learning and wellness resources for students, parents and teachers by teaming up with charitable partners such as the American Heart Association and United Way. These resources can be shared broadly and are currently housed on

Since late January, NFL Auction has been hosting a coronavirus auction to benefit the CDC Foundation and World Health Organization, first for China-specific efforts and now U.S.-based ones. Fans can bid on autographed and game-used memorabilia and special experiences.

As part of the NFL Draft, taking place April 23-25, the NFL is working on a broad plan to incorporate philanthropy and fundraising to provide additional help for those significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. More details will be announced in the coming weeks.

During this global public health emergency, the NFL continues to closely coordinate with all 32 teams, public health authorities, as well as community and philanthropic partners on additional opportunities to offer support to those who most need it during this unprecedented time.

Benefitting Organizations:

American Red Cross: The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this COVID-19 outbreak.  Such a blood shortage impacts patients who need surgery, victims of car accidents and other emergencies, or patients suffering from cancer. The need for blood is constant and will continue even as the coronavirus outbreak grows. Preparations to ensure continued delivery of the vital Red Cross mission nationwide due to this public health emergency are focused on two pillars: Ensure that the Red Cross can maintain a sufficient supply of blood to help patients in need and prevent any shortage and ensure that the Red Cross can continue to provide critical relief services to people affected by disasters big and small.

Bob Woodruff FoundationThe Bob Woodruff Foundation leverages partnerships with leading nonprofits, corporations, the military and government to find, fund and shape programs that meet the emerging and long-term needs of today's veterans and their families.  Veterans across the country are impacted by COVID-19 and the Bob Woodruff Foundation is helping to provide both short-term and long-term support to help deliver emergency financial assistance, address mental health needs and provide career training and placement for those who need it.  

Boys & Girls Clubs of America: With suspension of schools and workplaces due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. is facing challenges unlike anything previously encountered. More than 4,700 local Boys & Girls Clubs serve more than 4.7 million kids and teens annually in every community in America. In this critical time, BGCA remains committed to supporting kids and communities in need and ready to do more. As of March 17, 1,800 Clubs are closed while thousands more are in conversations with state and local officials assessing how to meet the needs of youth and families. In partnership with local Clubs, BGCA is developing a strategy to ready Clubs to continue serving local communities during this global pandemic.

CDC Foundation's All of Us: Combat Coronavirus Campaign: The CDC Foundation is working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local health departments to gain on-the-ground insights into the evolving COVID-19 emergency situation and a clear understanding of immediate needs. Funds from the CDC Foundation's All of Us: Combat Coronavirus Campaign will be directed toward providing support for vulnerable communities; increasing laboratory capacity; strengthening dedicated local response efforts; updating community data and technology infrastructure; addressing health communications needs and boosting clinical research to optimize clinical care and support; and more.

GENYOUth FoundationApproximately 30 million kids rely on government subsidized school meals for a substantial portion of their daily nutrition.  This necessary nutrition has been impacted by school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, with 98% of U.S. public schools currently closed.  While federal funding will continue to cover food costs for this youth population, the way in which the meals are provided will vary in each community.  Distribution methods are further compromised by the nature of the Coronavirus pandemic as youngsters and parents cannot gather to secure the meals. GENYOUth has established a COVID-19 EMERGENCY SCHOOL NUTRITION FUND, to provide grants up to $3,000 per school building to purchase a variety of resources needed for meal distribution and delivery…from soft-sided coolers, to bags and containers for individual servings…to protective gear for sanitation and safety, as well as yet-to-be-identified needs and solutions.    

Meals on Wheels AmericaMeals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. This network serves virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million staff and volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America's seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity. Vulnerable seniors are at the greatest risk amid COVID-19. Local Meals on Wheels programs are on the front lines every day, focused on doing all they can to keep older Americans safe and nourished in communities across the country. The costs and efforts needed to protect seniors from COVID-19 require additional emergency funds.  The Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund has been created to ensure local communities have what they need to continue to deliver a vital lifeline to our most at-risk Americans.

Salvation Army: As Coronavirus COVID-19 has evolved into a pandemic, the Salvation Army is caring for people experiencing homelessness or living in poverty as they may be more vulnerable to the disease.  They have ramped up efforts to slow the spread of this virus among their employees, volunteers, and the homeless and other vulnerable people they serve. Currently, three priority focus areas for The Salvation Army include 1) food for shelter residents, first responders, low-income families and students, and senior citizens; 2) safe shelter for the homeless; and 3) support for those who have been economically impacted due to business shutdowns.  

Team Rubicon: Team Rubicon serves communities by mobilizing veterans to continue their service, leveraging their skills and experience to help people prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. Built to serve, Team Rubicon has launched the nationwide #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors initiative in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, providing assistance such as delivery service for food-insecure populations, coordination and logistics support for those in temporary quarantine, as well as individual volunteers inspired by action to help their neighbors leveraging the safety guidance. To date during the COVID-19 pandemic, Team Rubicon has helped local, state and federal partners deliver food, water and shelter; run testing sites; staff call centers; and transport cruise ship passengers who have completed their mandatory quarantine at home.

United Way: United Way Worldwide's COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund helps families and people in need access critical information and services like food, shelter, and more through the United Way network. It also bolsters 211, United Way's go-to information resource in times of crisis. Calls to 211 for help with basics have risen more than 300% in some areas, and are expected to top 27 million calls over the next six months. That's more than twice the usual call volume that 211 fields in a typical year.

Wounded Warrior Project: Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) supports veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001.  The health and well-being of warriors and their family members remains top priority for WWP as they navigate the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and actively adapt programming and services to serve their constituents.  In response to the pandemic, WWP is providing virtual physical health and wellness assistance, peer mentoring services and a livestream engagement platform for veterans nationwide.  

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