Top 5 Most & Least Affordable Places To Live In California

It's no secret that rents are rising in and around Los Angeles, especially in Hollywood and San Francisco. 

unitedstateszipcodes released a study on the Most Affordable Places to Live in California.  

The study analyzed the most recent data from the Census Bureau tocompare local home prices with local incomes to determine housing affordability.

The rankings were determined by calculating the Median Multiple, which answers the question, "how many years would it take for the median income to pay off the median home price?"

Lower values indicate that incomes in the area are high enough to make it easier to pay off a home. Anything under 3 is considered affordable.

The California median multiple is 7.1 and has risen 0.6% since last year.

The study lists the 50 most and least affordable places to live. 

Here are the top 5 most affordable places to live:

  1. 93523 (Edwards, CA), 0.9
  2. 93251 (Mc Kittrick, CA), 1.0
  3. 95134 (San Jose, CA), 1.2
  4. 93516 (Boron, CA), 1.5
  5. 92365 (Newberry Springs, CA), 2.1

Here are the top 5 least affordable places to live:

  1. 93920 (Big Sur, CA), 32.1
  2. 94305 (Stanford, CA), 26.6
  3. 94704 (Berkeley, CA), 25.4
  4. 90013 (Los Angeles, CA), 23.3
  5. 90007 (Los Angeles, CA), 22.7

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