
Remember Drakes’ Coffee Cakes? They’re Back!

drake's coffee cakes

Drake's Coffee Cakes are now back on store shelves to the delight of Drake's consumers. 

With their delicious cinnamon streusel topping, Drake's Coffee Cakes were first introduced in 1930. 

"Using the classic Drake's recipe, McKee Foods is now baking Coffee Cakes," said Chip Stenberg, Drake's Associate Brand Manager.  "Coffee Cakes are now individually wrapped, which is a frequent request from Moms."   

Drake's Coffee Cakes are a part of popular culture, having been featured in a story line on the TV sitcom Seinfeld.  

Drake's® Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cakes are available in supermarkets, supercenters, value retailers and convenience stores throughout the Eastern U.S.  Consumers can find a product locator search function at

As with all Drake's® cakes, Coffee Cakes are certified kosher by the Orthodox Union. Consumers can look for the circled-U symbol (hechsher) on the cartons.

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