
Mandy Moore Partners With Garnier & Rinse, Recycle, Repeat

Did you know that nearly half of Americans do not recycle their beauty and personal care products, which is why they account for a significant amount of waste found in landfills?

With this insight, Garnier partnered with TerraCycle and, the largest organization for young people and social change, to launch the second year of Rinse, Recycle, Repeat.  The goal of this national campaign and college campus competition is to educate young people on how to responsibly recycle in the bathroom and divert beauty empties from landfills.  Once collected, TerraCycle will recycle the packaging into pelletized lumber and create materials to build Garnier Green Gardens such as picnic tables, playground equipment, benches and garden beds.

Garnier's Brand Ambassador, Mandy Moore, serves as the face of the campaign this year and stars in a public service announcement educating young people about how to responsibly recycle bathroom empties. 

The PSA can be viewed here. By rallying young people to recycle their empties, Garnier hopes that this campaign will be able to help divert 1 million empty personal care and beauty products from landfills by the end of 2018. 

"I'm very passionate about taking care of our planet.  Garnier's commitment to responsible beauty is one of the things that really excited me about the opportunity to serve as their brand ambassador," said Moore. 

Mandy Moore, garnier, dosomething

Beauty and personal care products with a number #1 or #2 on the packaging can be recycled through curbside recycling programs, but many beauty products cannot. Items such as flexible tubes, caps, pumps for shampoo bottles, lipstick, eyeliner and many others cannot be recycled curbside and must be separated.  This year's national campaign will focus on educating participants on the proper way to recycle by giving them recycling tips on what can and cannot be recycled.  The campaign will also showcase best practices to identify recyclable items, such as checking the numbers on packaging before tossing it out. 

How to Get Involved in Rinse, Recycle, Repeat and Recycle Your Beauty Empties

To participate in the national Rinse, Recycle, Repeat campaign (March 1st through April 30th 2018), individuals can: 

  1. Sign up online at, decorate a bathroom recycling bin and share a picture with on the "Prove It" page online or by texting RINSE to 38383 to be entered to win a $5,000 scholarship.  
  2. Once the bin is filled with ten pounds of beauty empties, participants can print a free shipping label, compliments of Garnier, to send their empties to TerraCycle to be responsibly recycled. 

On April 1st, a college competition will kick off on 50 college campuses nationwide to collect the most beauty empties. The college team that collects the most empties by April 30th will be rewarded with a garden for their community furnished by Garnier and TerraCycle.  Last year, Union College won the 2017 Rinse, Recycle, Repeat College Competition.  The team was awarded a Garnier Green Gardenplanted in their local community of Lincoln, Nebraska.

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