Is Monthly Moist Solving Our Missing Chapstick Dilemma? YES.

Monthly Moist, chapstick

In the car: Where's my chapstick?... In the office: Where's my chapstick?… On a date: Where's my chapstick? Why does it always seem like I have twenty different chapsticks, but I never know where they are? 

Enter, Monthly Moist. The MM team had an obsession with lip balm at a very young age (sort of like that time I ate my Dr. Pepper flavored chapstick at summer camp?). What began as a remedy for chapped wintery lips, became a must-have-on-me-at-all-times addiction for the MM founders. They saw the universal problem: chapstick is easy to lose, easy to forget, and often get washed with the jeans.

Monthly Moist was created to solve this problem. With two unique flavors delivered to your mailbox each month, their lip balm subscription makes sure there is always a stick of moist wonder within an arms reach at all times.

How much is it? 

  • Monthly subscription: $6
  • 6 Month subscription: $33
  • Annual subscription: $66

As soon as I got my first MM box, I placed one in the drawer of my desk and one in the car cup holder! Luckily, it doesn't matter if I lose them… I'll get a refill next month!

Stay moist…​

monthly moist

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