
’18 Hollywood Beauty Awards Gift Bag: Star Products For A Star-Studded Event

Britney Spears, Pamela Price, Michele Elyzabeth, Hollywood Beauty Awards

The Hollywood Beauty Awards gift bags never disappoint. The 2018 bag, produced by HBA's LATF USA and Parapluie Inc. team was the top of the top, including everything from skincare to cosmetics, haircare, fragrance, etc.

Riding on their '18 #HighOnBeauty campaign; honoring CBD for Life with Product of the Year, the HBAs bag was filled with CBD goodies. Check it out…

Hollywood beauty awards gift bag, cbd for life, elizabeth arden, vitafusion

  • fantasy BRITNEY SPEARS™ IN BLOOM (2018 HBAs Fragance of the Year honoree)
  • Marvel's Spider-Man or Iron Man for the men from Desire Fragrances, Inc. (Honoree, Lamborghini Invincible Breakthrough Award)
  • Rikoko Shampoo & Conditioner (2018 HBA Sponsors)
  • Elizabeth Arden's Mascara and Lipstick
  • Moira Cosmetic's Facial Cleansing Wipes and Strobe/Allure or Blossom makeup palettes (The Breakthrough Award)
  • CBD For Life's Facial Cleanser, cream and rub (Product of the Year honoree)
  • Vitafusion Gorgeous Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies
  • BIGELOW's English Breakfast or Earl Grey Tea
  • KLEENEX Exfoliating Cushions + refills
  • Yummi Karma/High Gorgeous CBD Plain Jane lotion
  • HEMPZ Body Wash set
  • Claude Baruk Salon at the Wynn hat (2018 Hairstyling Nominee & Winner)
  • Sunglasses courtesy of Robert Leighton
  • Diamond Dust lotion and leave-in cream

And… for select VIPs… the BEBOE's luxury vaporizers or Sativa Pastilles!

2018 hollywood beauty awards gift bags, beboe

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