
Celebrate Mixed Breeds On National Mutt Day!

National Mutt Day

Elvis in a morning meeting at the office

On July 31st and December 2nd, the world celebrates all of the lovable mutts! It’s called National Mutt Day, also known as National Mixed Breed Dog Day.

Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige created the holiday in 2005 as a day to embrace, save and celebrate mixed breed dogs.

Here at LATF, we celebrate our mixed Pet Corner contributors… Laurie the Spaniel Terrier and Elvis the Yorkie Terrier!

National Mutt Day

Laurie takes a little nap in the middle of her hard work day

Did you know that the biggest percentage of dogs abandoned and euthanized is due to the constant over-breeding and public desire of designer dogs and pure bred puppies that are sold to pet stores supplied by puppy mills that often produce ill and horribly neglected animals?

Approximately 80% of dogs in shelters are mixed breeds so let this be a day to run to your closest shelter, adopt and add a new member of the family!

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