Starz announced that it has ordered a fourth season of the critically-acclaimed comedy series “Survivor’s Remorse” from executive producers Mike O’Malley, Tom Werner, LeBron James and Maverick Carter for SpringHill Entertainment, Paul Wachter, Victor Levin and Hilton Smith.
Season Three of “Survivor’s Remorse” has seen record increases in its audience, averaging 2.9M viewers per episode among all reportable platforms, an increase of more than 20 percent above Season Two and 60 percent above Season One.
Episode 306, which aired Sunday, August 21, showed a 20 percent gain over the previous week, making it the second highest premiere viewing ever for the series.2 “Survivor’s Remorse” is a top-4 scripted program on cable among African-American viewers and a top-6 weekend program on cable among African-American viewers.
“Survivor’s Remorse” made its third season debut on Sunday, July 24 as part of STARZ’s decision to shift its original programming to Sunday nights, which has long been established as the home of premium television. Since Season Three of “Survivor’s Remorse” premiered on Sunday nights, it has seen its premiere telecast audience grow 159 percent compared to Season Two and 308 percent compared to Season One.