Inspired by centuries of Asian Philosophy, The Harmonist fragrance house binds universe, earth, and humanity together. From a harmonious balance of five complementary elements that govern the world, “Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Metal” comes a precious collection of 10 scents using the world’s rarest botanical oils to infuse the perfumes with energetic power.
Think Feng Shui, fragrance style; individually tailored. Per its makers, The Harmonist perfumes summon beauty into designated areas of life by manifesting Status, Wisdom, Socializing, Creativity, Prosperity and Seduction. With your location, date and time of birth, discover your true element and manage your destiny with the power of perfume. If you are looking for the perfect scent that fits you like a glove, Harmonist is the place to go. After establishing your yin and yang profile it is certain that one of the ten fragrances will enhance your personality.
I have tried all of them and, as fragrances go, there are some that I like and some that don't suit my taste. However, my favorite of the collection is Velvet Fire. A sensual and feminine fragrance made of aromatic essences. From plants harvested in the South of France – lavender, clary sage and coriander – with precious spices from the Orient and the warmth of saffron and tobacco leaves. Other ingredients include Cypress and petit grain lemon mixed with silky accord of musk, oud and tonka bean.
The harmonist Parfumeur has two Feng Shui boutiques, one in Paris on Les Champs Elysees. The second one is on Melrose Place in Los Angeles. Designed by Alnoor, it has a modern and industrial approach yet peaceful directing Chi energy throughout the space. For our Angeleno readers, a must visit.
Velvet Fire 1.7 oz for $285.00
Collection prices range from: $170.00 to $270.00
The collection also offers candles for $85.00