Kate Hudson Stars As The Leading Lady In The 2016 Campari Calendar

Kate Hudson CampariCampari, the iconic red Italian bittersweet apéritif, has revealed that Kate Hudson will be the star of its 2016 Calendar, with the full unveil taking place on November 18th.

The BitterSweet Campaign theme for the 2016 Campari Calendar is multi-faceted: first, it is inspired by the instantly recognisable iconography of a presidential election, using the classic theme as a metaphor for the duality of two opposing sides. The Calendar capitalises on the nature of any election, asking people to take a stand, express an opinion and vote for a side. With Campari's unique taste serving as the epitome of duality, the Calendar cleverly asks people which aspect of the classic apéritif they identify with more: Bitter vs Sweet.

This positive duality is brought to life in the Calendar's images through a collaboration between Kate Hudson, who will embody and personify the two souls of Campari: the captivating bitterness versus a more subtle, intriguing sweetness and fashion photographer, Michelangelo Di Battista.

On starring in the 2016 Campari Calendar, Kate Hudson comments, "I was honoured to be invited to shoot the 2016 Campari Calendar. This year's theme plays off the upcoming election, which is the perfect metaphor for the many Campari flavour choices. I loved working with Michelangelo to create two distinctive characters embodying bitter and sweet."

For more information visit: http://www.campari.com and follow #CampariCalendar, #goBitter & #goSweet


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