

Terrorist Attacks Strike France, Tunisia & Kuwait

Video: Courtesy of The Guardian

Terrorist attacks have left a tragic death toll in France, Tunisia and Kuwait. ISIS has claimed responsibility for one of the attacks, which killed 25 people and injured more than 200 at the Shiite-affiliated Al-Sadiq mosque in Kuwait’s capital. Witnesses captured the destruction of the bomb on video, which was set off during Friday prayers. According to reports, a suicide bomber from an Islamic State affiliate was responsible for unleashing the bomb. This was the first terrorist attack in Kuwait in more than two decades.

In Tunisia, at least one gunman disguised himself as a vacationer at a Hotel Riu Imperial Marhaba in the coastal Tunisian city of Sousse. The gunman took the lives of at least 37 people before security forces were able to take him down via gunfire on Friday.

According to Interior Ministry spokesman Mohammed Ali Aroui, there were three attackers; one killed, one arrested and one has escaped. 

The third devastating attack took place in southeastern France. According to French President Francois Hollande, one person was beheaded and two injured at a gas factory near Lyon, France. The attackers attempted to storm an American-owned industrial chemical plant, before leaving behind the decapitated victim.

President Hollande said, “We have no doubt that the attack was to blow up the building. It bears the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.” He added that France will “never give in to fear.”

The White House released the following statement in response to the worldwide terrorist attacks, “The United States condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in France, Kuwait, and Tunisia today. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of these heinous attacks, their loved ones, and the people of all three countries. As the President has discussed with his French, Kuwaiti, and Tunisian counterparts in recent weeks, we are resolute and united in our shared effort to fight the scourge of terrorism.

We stand with these nations as they respond to attacks on their soil today, and we have been in contact with appropriate counterparts in all three countries to offer any necessary support. Terrorism has no place in any society, and the United States will continue to work closely with our international partners to combat terrorist actors and counter violent extremism around the globe.”

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