‘Tis The Season For Amaryllis


When you start seeing Amaryllis, you know the holidays are here! It is without a doubt the easiest plant to grow. If you buy them already in a pot at your local nursery, Amaryllis will only need watering to begin growing. Sometimes they are sold in their own packaged carton box with potting mix. You can even grow Amaryllis in pebbles and water. Planting Amaryllis for the season is the perfect project to do with your child or grandchild!

Planting Amaryllis outdoors:

The bulbs of Amaryllis produce large and colorful blooms indoors from the Fall season on. For the Fall they come from South Africa and in winter they usually are imported from Holland. The Amaryllis love light (6-8 hours of direct sun daily) and well-drained soil. When planting the bulb keep the neck slightly above, ground level in frost free areas. In areas where frost occurs, the bulb should be set in six inches deep into the ground and covered by four or five inches of fine mulch. Be sure to water thoroughly after planting. Once the Amaryllis starts growing, water only if the top two inches of soil are dry. If planted in the garden and after the leaves appear, fertilize with a balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10); repeat once a month through to April.

Blooming Amaryllis indoors:

If they come in bags, it will require potting. Pot bulbs individually in 6-7 pots but it can be done in groups of 3 bulbs together in a 10-12 inch container as well. First, place a well-drained potting mix in a plastic tub then slowly add warm water and mix it with your hand until it becomes moist but not soggy. Fill the pot about half full with potting mix, set the bulb on top of the mix and fill in around the bulb with additional mix. Keep the neck of the bulb exposed. The final level of the mix should be about 1/2 inch below the rim of the pot to allow for watering.

And voila!

By Michele Elyzabeth

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