“Empire,” the drama project from Lee Daniels and Danny Strong set in the world of hip-hop, has received a series order at Fox. The family drama from Imagine TV and 20th Century Fox TV stars Terrence Howard as industry heavyweight Lucious Lyon, a tough but wise patriarchal figure. The cast also includes Taraji P. Henson, Gabourey Sidibe, Trai Byers, Kaitlin Doubleday, Grace Gealey, Bryshere ‘Yazz the Greatest’ Gray, Jussie Smollett and Malik Yoba. The project reteams “The Butler’s” Daniels and Strong, who co-wrote this pilot with Daniels directing. Grammy Award-winning Tim “Timbaland” Mosley wrote the music for the pilot — marking the first time Mosley has worked so closely on a drama pilot. Exec producers are Brian Grazer, Daniels, Strong and Francie Calfo.
Lee Daniel’s Hip Hop Drama “Empire” Gets Green Light At Fox
- By: LATF Staff Member
- TV
- May 6, 2014,