Today marks National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, perhaps the most important food holiday of the year! To celebrate… let’s do this the right way: for your health and your taste buds. LATF recently discovered the #1 protein bar around: Quest Nutrition. Quest’s President, Tom Bilyeu and his team are passionate about making bars that are specifically tailored to your diet, health needs; without sacrificing your sweet tooth cravings. So what does a protein bar have to do with chocolate chip cookies? Drum roll… You can make cookies out of their Choc Chop Cookie Dough bar, which is a homemade cookie dough taste with chunks of real chocolate. There’s no sugar, it’s gluten free and only natural flavorings are added.
Trust us, we’ve tried the bars and the cookies ourselves. They are scrumptious! But for fun, and since Los Angeles is in a heat wave, check out Quest’s recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Popsicles!