In the narrative competition, “Glass Chin,” directed by Noah Buschel is seeing its world premiere screenings at Tribeca Film Festival.
Bud ‘The Saint’ Gordon (Corey Stoll) once had it all-a nice apartment, fame, public love and admiration-but a quick jab to the chin wiped that slate. Now living in a dingy studio with no business, no fans and no purpose except to help train an up-and-coming boxer, Bud longs for his former Manhattan glory. With promises of restoring his shattered image and ego, he makes a deal with JJ (Billy Crudup), a crooked restaurateur.
But as Bud further entangles himself in JJ’s affairs, he finds himself framed for murder and faces a choice between his integrity and his aspirations. Capturing the moral dilemmas that emerge from the compromises we make for success, Noah Buschel writes and directs Glass Chin with a distinctive, vibrant style.
Public Screenings:
Tuesday, April 22nd, 5:30pm, AMC Loews Village 7-3, 66 3rd Ave
Saturday, April 26th, 9:00pm, AMC Loews Village 7-1, 66 3rd Ave
For more info visit