Will Crimea Rejoin Russia After March 16th Vote?

The Russian-controlled parliament of Ukraine’s Crimea area made a decision on Thursday to secede and join Russia. On March 16th, the public will vote. However, as the Ukrainian constitution states, it requires that any changes to national borders or territory must be voted on by the entire country. Does this mean the 3/16 vote will not count?

In the meantime, Obama is taking more action by placing visa restrictions and economic sanctions on Russians who have been involved in military action in Ukraine.

“The order does not target the country of Ukraine, but rather is aimed at persons — including persons who have asserted governmental authority in the Crimean region without the authorization of the government of Ukraine — who undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine,” Obama said in a message to Congress.

Today, Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to discuss the Ukraine conflict with his Russian counterpart.

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