Join Coca-Cola & WWF To Save The Polar Bears

Coca-Cola polar bears

The Arctic sea ice is melting faster than ever before, and for the polar bear which lives, hunts and breeds here, this loss of habitat is a major threat to survival. The Arctic Home campaign–a joint effort of WWF and The Coca-Cola Company–is designed to help ensure the polar bear has a home in the future.You can join the cause and save the Arctic wildlife.

Since Arctic Home began, more than $3 million in direct contributions, in addition to The Coca-Cola Company’s commitment of $2 million over five years, has been raised to help establish a place where polar bears and local communities can thrive. Your donation to Arctic Home will support work with local indigenous communities, research, and conservation.

Coca-Cola will match the donation you make through the Arctic Home program—up to $1 million. Make your donation count double by donating before February 15, 2014. CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Help Coca-Cola and WWF protect the polar bear by visiting to learn more or simply make a $5 donation by texting BEAR to 357357*.


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