

What Is Forerunner Chronicles?


“Please stop watching TWO AND A HALF MEN— I don’t want to be on it— Please stop filling your head with filth, please.” Watching these words come from the mouth of Angus T. Jones was a scary sight. Something about his Youtube testimony backed by a religious organization called, Forerunner Chronicles… screams “brainwashed.” The young actor is so intent on his love for God and the Bible. Of course, he is welcome to his religious beliefs but to go as far as making a public statement for the world to see; shunning the very show that he grew up on, is severe. Throughout his 30 minute testimony, the face of FC, Christopher Hudson sits beside Angus. Hudson’s preaching videos have gone as irrational as comparing President Obama to Adolph Hitler. Talk about radical. How did Angus become associated with the extreme Forerunner Chronicles? Did he go as far as writing checks for this organization? We don’t know, but we will find out. This video is proof that religion can truly control someone’s mind.

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