The Jackson’s Family Business: Something Is Rotten In Denmark

What’s really going on with the Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson? It appears on the surface that there is more to her strange and unexplained disappearance than meets the eye. If she was only going to visit with her daughter Rebbie and son Jermaine in Arizona, why didn’t she tell her grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket? And why was she, according to her own account, tricked into going to Arizona? In an ABC News interview Katherine Jackson denied being kidnapped, but in her court declaration she described a coordinated effort to isolate her in Arizona. She wrote that on July 14, “A doctor was brought to my home stating that he had been in contact with my longtime personal physician and was coming to check on me because my personal physician was unavailable.” That person, she said, suggested she fly rather than be driven to New Mexico, where her sons were performing in concert. T.J. Jackson said in a previous declaration that the doctor was an impostor brought in by one of his aunts to induce her to take the flight. As a result of her absence, she was temporarily replaced as guardian of her famous son’s children, only to be reinstated upon resurfacing. Tito’s son T.J. was granted temporary custody while Katherine was “convalescing,” and she allowed him to remain as co-guardian for the children. Something is rotten in Denmark…  

By Otis Stokes

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