

Team USA Back On Top: Olympics 2012

usagold  Kellie Wells wins bronze medal in 100meter hurdles

After 12 days of competition, the United States is back in the lead in overall medals. There has been a lead change almost daily with China, America’s biggest challenger. As it stands now; the top 5 countries in order of overall medals are:

1). United States – Gold Medals – 34/ Silver – 22/ Bronze – 25 = 81

2). China – Gold Medals – 36/ Silver – 22/ Bronze – 19 = 77

3). Russia – Gold Medals – 11/ Silver – 19/ Bronze – 22 = 52

4). Great Britain – Gold Medals – 22/ Silver – 13/ Bronze – 13 = 48

5). Germany – Gold Medals –7/ Silver – 15/ Bronze – 10 = 32


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