
Kristen Stewart is Balenciaga’s Muse for Florabotanica Scent


Florabotanica will hit counters this September exclusively at Bergdorf Goodman and Neiman Marcus and roll out to specialty retailers beginning October 2012. This experimental rose scent will transport you to the strange and wonderful botanical garden of creator and designer Nicolas Ghesquière.

Balenciaga muse and actress Kristen Stewart will also be featured in the national print campaign this Fall as her rebellious style perfectly embodies the  Florabotanica spirit.

“Kristen Stewart has a real personality. She captivated me when we met a few years ago. I had not forgotten her. She is the perfect embodiment of a certain idea of Balenciaga: that beauty that is both pure and uncontrollable. We met again for Florabotanica. She is totally this graceful and mysterious figure that symbolises this strange botanical garden,” says Nicolas Ghesquière.

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