Inspired by everything pretty, designer Nophar Haimovitz,launched “Reason to be Pretty“, a lavish and eclectic fabric jewelry line which portrays her love and appreciation for the world of embroideries and embellishments. The collection features extravagant hand crafted pieces that include hand made flowers and fabric beads in vibrant colors and material fusion. Each piece in the “Reason To Be Pretty” line is handcrafted in her New York based studio…
Cord, Rings & Bead Bracelet
High quality brass loops, a hand painted turquoise wood beads and gold plated components.
Price: $50
Three Adjustable Ring Set
Fabric beads and pearls.
Price: $60
Golden Fabric & Wood Bead Necklace
Metallic black and white fabric beads, painted gold wooden beads and gold plated chain.
Price: $110
Pink & Blue Floral Fringe Necklace
Hand-knit pink flower, dyed blue layers of fringe and sparkly crystals.
Price: $355
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