

Are We Going To See A Real Debate? That’s Debatable…


After slogging through months of meaningless rhetoric, thinly veiled mudslinging and internet-meme inspiring gaffs from both sides, tonight the presidential candidates are finally going to go head to head in an actual debate at 9:00pm EST. Without teleprompters or an easy “no more questions” escape line, viewers of the Obama/Romney debate in Denver, CO. this evening might get to hear some real answers to the questions plaguing American voters. Still, those handling the publicity from both the democratic and the republican camps were making the media rounds to ensure that expectations remain low. Hopefully, this debate will spark an informative conversation about the plight of the economy, environmental issues, civil rights, and the rate of unemployment. Tune in tonight to see if either candidate will dig deep into the issues or simply stay with the politician’s fall back of sidestepping.

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The debate:



By: D.D.

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