Can You Win The National Bagel Eating Contest?

national bagel eating contestAre you a bagel addict? Can you eat multiple bagel sandwiches in a short amount of time? 

The National Bagel Association has some great news for you with the first annual "National Bagel Eating Contest" scheduled for February 7, 2016, which is the Sunday before National Bagel Day.

The 5-minute all-you-can-eat bagel contest will of course take place in New York, specifically in Huntington, Long Island. Bagel lovers across the country will be competing for a lot of dough; literally, as the winner will be awarded a $500 cash prize.

"The launch of the National Bagel Eating Contest was a no brainer," said Andrew Hazen, Founder & CEO of the National Bagel Association. "Millions of people love bagels and given the success of other competitive eating contests we knew we had to step-up, create and launch the event!"  

Those interested in competing in the National Bagel Eating Contest should visit to obtain information and register. All competitors must be over 18 years of age.

The fun-filled morning will include Bagel Art, bagel games and more! Attendees can register

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