The students of The University of Missouri have spoken, leading the school's president, Tim Wolfe to announce his resignation.
"In August 2014, the University of Missouri met the shooting of Michael Brown with silence," the student government leaders stated in a formal letter. "In the following months, our students were left stranded, forced to face an increase in tension and inequality with no systemic support. Over the last 16 months, the quality of life for our students has only worsened."
The student body, including the football team went on strike to show their disapproval of Wolfe's lack of leadership and control over racial tensions.
On Monday, Wolfe made his resignation public. Wolfe said, “My motivation in making this decision comes from a love of Columbia where I grew up and the state of Missouri. I thought and prayed over this decision. It is the right thing to do."
The University made the letter public on their Twitter account: