
Pistorius Hits Emotional Breaking Point On Day 4 Of Trial

Thursday marks day four of the murder trial for once Olympic hero Oscar Pistorius. He broke down in tears as a neighbor described in detail the series of events following Reeva Steenkamp‘s shooting on Valentine’s Day of 2013.

Pistorius, also known as “Blade Runner,” has pleaded not guilty to the four counts against him. His case: shooting Steenkamp to her death was an error after he mistook her for being an intruder. 

The witness was Johan Stipp, a doctor who lived close by Pistorius’ home. Stripp said that he went to Pistorius’ residence after hearing shots fired. He said he saw Steenkamp mortally wounded, her brain tissue mixed with blood and Pistorius praying for her to live.

“I remember the first thing he said when I got there was, ‘I shot her, I thought she was a burglar and I shot her,’ “ Stipp said in court. 

Steenkamp died after being hit by three rounds, including one to the head, out of four fired by Pistorius through the locked door of an upstairs bathroom. Once Stipp arrived on the scene, he thought Pistorius might take his own life with the same gun.

“I noticed that Oscar was going upstairs and I asked Mr. Stander if he knew where the gun was because it was obvious that Oscar was emotionally very, very upset,” Stipp added

“I didn’t know the situation in the house so I thought maybe he was going to hurt himself.”

Thursday marks day four of the murder trial for once Olympic hero Oscar Pistorius. He broke down in tears as a neighbor described in detail the series of events following Reeva Steenkamp‘s shooting on Valentine’s Day of 2013.

Pistorius, also known as “Blade Runner,” has pleaded not guilty to the four counts against him. His case: shooting Steenkamp to her death was an error after he mistook her for being an intruder. 

The witness was Johan Stipp, a doctor who lived close by Pistorius’ home. Stripp said that he went to Pistorius’ residence after hearing shots fired. He said he saw Steenkamp mortally wounded, her brain tissue mixed with blood and Pistorius praying for her to live.

“I remember the first thing he said when I got there was, ‘I shot her, I thought she was a burglar and I shot her,’ “ Stipp said in court. 

Steenkamp died after being hit by three rounds, including one to the head, out of four fired by Pistorius through the locked door of an upstairs bathroom. Once Stipp arrived on the scene, he thought Pistorius might take his own life with the same gun.

“I noticed that Oscar was going upstairs and I asked Mr. Stander (housing manager) if he knew where the gun was because it was obvious that Oscar was emotionally very, very upset,” Stipp added. “I didn’t know the situation in the house so I thought maybe he was going to hurt himself.”

More coverage on the case to be continued…



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