The producers of upcoming horror film Found Footage 3D announced the launch of their Indiegogo campaign, to obtain additional funding for post-production and marketing expenses. Produced by Kim Henkel, co-creator of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Found Footage 3D tells the story of a group of filmmakers who set out to make “the first 3D found-footage horror film,” but find themselves in a found-footage horror film when the evil entity from their movie escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.
“What Scream did for slasher films, we aim to do for found footage,” says writer/director Steven DeGennaro. “Being the first found footage horror movie shot in 3D allows us to do things that no found footage movie or 3D movie has ever been able to do before.” The Found Footage 3D team has set its goal at $35,000 on Indiegogo for post-production costs, adding 3D visual effects and festival entries.
Found footage fans can claim rewards that include digital downloads, 3D glasses, props from the film, signed Texas Chain Saw Massacre Memorabilia, and private screening invitations. Full fan and rewards information can be seen on the Indiegogo campaign page here:
Fans can gain access to early teasers and inside information at