
Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center: Where Health Meets Beauty


2020 has certainly taken a toll on our mental health, and for many, their physical health. With the pandemic lockdowns, people around the country have lost sight of their healthy eating habits and wellness regimens. The new year is just around the corner and it's never too late to turn your life around for the better. 

Dan Holtz is direct proof of someone who turned his life around; taking action after declaring that he wanted to make a change and boost his health. 

LATF sat down with Dan to learn about his journey, from a life-threatening race car accident to starting the successful franchise: Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

He founded BHRC in 2005 with business partner Devin Haman. Today, Dan is known as the “Wellness Expert to the Stars."

Dan Holtz, Devin Hama

Dan with business partner Devin Haman

Although he always stayed in shape and ate well, he began to notice his health deteriorating. As his body fat increased and immune system decreased, he realized that there was something wrong.

After a great deal of visits to the doctor and countless tests, Holtz finally found the source of his problem: significantly reduced hormone levels. As he had always maintained a healthy lifestyle, these results came as a shock, and ultimately launched Dan on a path to maximize his health.

As he researched the problem, Dan learned that he was not alone in suffering from a decline in hormonal health. By the age of 35, most men and women face declining hormonal and immune systems. At the time, anti-aging science was still relatively new, and unfortunately, clinics to help treat problems such as hormonal decline were unavailable.

Recognizing the need for clinics to help others like him, Holtz began to conceive the idea that would become the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center. 

Since then, Dan has dedicated himself to helping those like him get back to their old lifestyles through hormone therapy treatment.

Stay tuned for our CVAC segment with BHRC.

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