
More Than 46 Million American Women Across the US Affected By Hair Loss

KeraniqueKeranique® marks the beginning of National Hair Loss Awareness month with the release of a new consumer survey that sheds light on a concern that affects over 46 million adult women in the United States.  This number indicates hair loss in women has increased by OVER 50% in the last 10 years from the previously reported number of 30 million women suffering from the condition.

Having empowered hundreds of thousands of women across the country to regain control of their hair loss since 2009, Keranique partnered with a well-known research firm, Wakefield Research, to get answers from women on this growing issue and to raise awareness about women's hair loss. The survey findings prove hair loss issues affect more women than one might think.

According to the survey:

  • Nearly 40% of U.S. women 18+ have noticed signs of hair loss or thinning
  • Over 50% of US women 58 or older have experienced it
  • That number jumps to over 60%  for women age 65+
  • These signs include: a widening part, hair being thinner than it used to be, significant signs of overall hair loss, and seeing through to the scalp where they couldn't before especially in the temples or at the crown of the head.

Who is at risk?  Research indicates women in one or more of these 3 categories are more susceptible to hair loss and thinning

  • Women are 97% more likely (almost twice as likely) to experience signs of hair loss if they have a relative with hair loss compared to those who don't, and 61% of women who have relatives with hair loss are experiencing symptoms of hair loss.
  • Women who have had chemical treatments are 71% more likely to experience hair loss than those who have not, and over half (58%) of women who have had chemical treatments are experiencing signs of hair loss.
  • Women who have been ill or taking medicine are 81% more likely to suffer from hair loss and thinning than those who have not, and over half (58%) of women who have been ill or taking medicine are experiencing signs of hair loss.

And many could be at risk for future issues. 62% of women have noticed changes to their hair just in the past year.

  • These include: their hair not being as thick and full as it used to be (28%), their hair never looking the way they want it to (27%), their hair breaking off more easily than it used to (21%) and more hair coming off in or on their brush, drain, clothing or pillow (20%).

Unhealthy Hair Habits.

  • It doesn't help matters that a majority of women (78%) have done or experienced things that can eventually lead to hair loss or thinning issues. These include: having color treated or highlighted their hair (47%), have had chemical treatments such as perms or relaxers (15%) or have had weaves, tight braids or hair extensions (6%).The survey also identified the following important facts about hair loss that every woman should know. Key takeaways include:

Don't Stress (seriously).

  • Survey data indicates there is a clear connection between stress and hair loss.  Women who have been more stressed than usual lately are 32% more likely to experience signs of hair loss than those who have not.

Unflattering Perceptions.

  • Of women experiencing hair loss or thinning, 97% would choose to either make their hair healthier, thicker, fuller, shinier or longer if they could. This may be because more than 3 out of every 5 women experiencing signs of hair loss would agree that women with thinning hair look older. Over 99% of women experiencing signs of hair loss feel more confident when their hair looks great.
  • Thinning hair can send the wrong message to others. In fact, 81% of women feel that thinning hair affects a woman's appearance in a negative way. 55% feel it makes a woman look older, 43% less healthy and 32% less confident.

Head in the Sand.

  • Thinning hair or hair loss aren't topics many women like to talk about. In fact, 80% of women experiencing hair loss don't talk to their doctor or dermatologist about it, and 66% don't talk to their hairstylist.

Desire for Change.

  • Women say the way their hair looks does impact how they feel. In fact, nearly all (98%) feel more confident when their hair looks great. But most (86%) also wish there was something they could change about their hair. This includes: making it healthier (43%), having it be thicker and fuller (43%), making it shinier (30%) and having it grow longer (25%).

Longing for Better Locks.

  • Women are willing to trade a lot to improve their hair. Survey results prove that 92% of women who are experiencing signs of hair loss and thinning would give up some luxury for a month in return for more beautiful hair. This includes going out to eat, chocolate, shopping, coffee and sex.
    • Women are 75% more likely to give up sex for a month in exchange for better hair if they are experiencing signs of hair loss and thinning compared to those who are not experiencing any signs of hair loss.
    • Half of women under the age of 65 who are experiencing hair loss or thinning would give up going out to eat for a month in exchange for more beautiful hair.

Hair Dresser.

  • There are many reasons why women are willing to give up so much for better-looking hair, and one is that it would make wardrobe decisions a little easier. 67% of women feel that if your hair looks great, it doesn't matter what you're wearing.

Taboo Territory?

  • When a friend is having a bad hair day, it's hard to know what to do. 65% of women agree that they'd never tell her. But on the other hand, more than 1 in 3 (35%) would let their friend know.

"Healthy, beautiful hair can boost a woman's self-confidence, that's why hair loss or thinning can be such an emotional blow," said international hair artist, Franco Della Grazia. "It's an issue that is not commonly talked about, that in actuality, many women face. I urge my clients to use Keranique because the products treat AND prevent hair loss—they give women an actual solution to their problem."

"I see among my patients how devastating hair loss can be. While there is no easy fix, I recommend the Keranique Regrowth System. The proof is in the pudding, and the results I've personally seen are astonishing. With 46 million women experiencing signs of thinning hair and balding, this is an issue that is underreported.  It needs to be brought to the forefront so that women know they are not alone." — Sonia Batra MD

Find Keranique at @Keranique on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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