
Thor: The Dark World Slams Into Phone Game Platforms

Thor The Dark WOrld video game

Gameloft and Marvel have joined forces once again to bring Thor: The Dark World – The Official Game to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android devices, timed with the launch of the highly anticipated new film, Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World. The game is co-written by prolific Marvel author Christopher Yost.

In this action-packed adventure, you will play as Thor in his epic quest to stop Malekith’s dark ambitions, and restore order to the Nine Worlds. Explore the worlds by immersing yourself in a rich Thor experience. Fight alongside legendary Asgardians, like Sif or Heimdall, summon Einherjar warriors for help, upgrade your skills and allies, and compete with friends for unique rewards. A great variety of fast-paced missions, familiar environments and characters await you, all in beautiful 3D graphics.

 For more information visit

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